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33 year-old Male, from Philippines.
32 year-old Male, from France.
Hi, i'm french, i want to practice my english...
63 year-old Female, from United Kingdom.
63 year-old Male, from Belgium.
i look for male penpals arround the world various...
34 year-old Male, from United Kingdom.
I'm 22 years old and at the moment I live on my...
38 year-old Female, from Romania.
Hi! I'm 28, looking for USA friends. I like good...
27 year-old Female, from United States.
I want to learn Korea, bc maybe in the next 4 yrs...
64 year-old Male, from United States.
I am Mike Hoffman,Male From USA,swimming...
26 year-old Female, from United States.
hi i am an american girl looking or a south...
19 year-old Male, from France.
HELLO I AM NAMED MAXENS and I am has the search...
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